Jesús M. Cortés

“We scientists fully conceive  science as cross-cultural, cross-religions, cross-countries. This is in general true for all disciplines. Moreover,  we neuroscientists have learned that absolutely there is not  any unique discipline to unveil how the brain works. Understanding the brain will explain who we are, why we make decisions, how our memories are created, the impossibility of forgetting dramatic episodes in our lives, but also to cure devastating diseases affecting our brains, our families, our society. Science bridge is a formula that rooted in neurosciences  wants to contribute to push  world humanity a step further.”


Jesus M Cortes is an Ikerbasque Research Professor who founded and is heading the Computational Neuroimaging Lab in Biocruces. After his PhD in Physics at the University of Granada in Spain, he performed postdoctoral research in several world-leading Institutions across the world, including the Radboud University Nijmegen The Netherlands (SNN Foundation for Neural Networks, Prof. Bert Kappen), The Salk Institute for Biological Studies USA (Computational Neurobiology Lab, Prof. Terry Sejnowski) and the University of Edinburgh UK (School of Informatics, Prof. Mark van Rossum). Although trained in physics and computer science, Dr. Cortes moved to Neuroscience to apply quantitative and computational methods for neuronal data. In particular, Dr. Cortes is currently focused on the applications of statistical methods and Information Theory for brain connectivity analysis.  He has more than 67 peer-reviewed publications, 52 of them are JCR articles, 3 books, and has given 55 official  scientific talks. Among many other merits, he got  “PhD with Distinction” in Science at the University of Granada Spain, a Fulbright Fellowship, a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship and became the Spanish Ambassador of the first-class Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS 2011).
